Monday, 31 March 2014

Carla Gordon Make Up Lessons - Glasgow!

Hi there!

A few months ago I did a review on a Make Up Lesson I went to at Urban Decay in Debenhams, Glasgow. I will link that review here. So I thought I would do a review on another make up lesson I've had.

A family friend of mine who I have known since primary school is now an extremely talented make up artist! I will link her facebook page here so you can have a lot at her work. So when I saw on her facebook page she was doing make up lessons my friends and I immediately had to get involved. Carla is always crazy busy and is usually booked all weekends, weeks in advance so we booked a few months in advance to get her on the weekend and I managed to round up five other friends to make it worth her while to miss out on her usual amount of Friday night appointments. 

Unlike the Urban Decay event this was a much more intimate lesson, being me, five friends, Carla and we decided she would use my sister Paula as her model. We decided to treat it as a little girlie night in and had dominos pizza and cocktails. 

Carla started by doing Paula's make up and she talked us through each step as she did it and because there wasn't a lot of us we felt really comfortable in asking Carla any questions we had and she was happy to answer anything even if it was a make up related question that didn't co-side with the look she was doing. 

When she was finished Paula's make up we were all stunned at how beautifully talented Carla's work was, her make up pictures on facebook already look stunning but do not even do justice of how beautiful her real life work is! 

Next was the fun part! She brought along a huge selection of her make up kit and let us all dive right in! 

She was really one to one and went round everyone giving them tips and helping them with each aspect of the make up. If someone was having trouble she was happy to step in and do that part for them if that's what they wanted or just talk them through how to do it again.

Everyone had such a great night and obviously we didn't want all this make up to go to waste and so hit the town afterwards! We were so happy at how everyones make up turned out! All my girls looked AMAZING! 

This is a perfect idea for a girlie night in with a difference. I would definitely book Carla again for another make up lesson, everyone, even my friends who don't love make up as much as I do thought it was such a great girlie night and everyone learned something new. 

At the end of the night Carla even gave us a list of all the products she had used on Paula and let me tell you between us I think everything has been bought! haha. 

So if you live in the Glasgow area and are interested in something like this or even just for Carla to do your make up (she's amazingly talented) then check out her website, which she has just released over the weekend which I will link here or her facebook page which I have linked above.

Below I have some pictures of my gorgeous friends looking beautiful with their make up done!

Don't they look amazing!? 


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